Using CLI - general
Normal usage
Since 0.6, default mode has changed, and application defaults to using GUI when started with no arguments :
$ chmfp
If any problem occurs with GTK initialization (GTK not installed, or X11 not started,...), chmfp automatically falls back to CLI terminal mode. If any arguments are provided (except -x), chmfp will automatically start without GUI, read on.
You can also specifically request to start in CLI terminal mode anyway with :
$ chmfp -n
If you are just wanting to run in the background with prepared configuration files, prefer using terminal mode to avoid any useless graphical overhead. You would then use, to run as a user forked process :
$ chmfp -s &
This launches the application and you should not need worry about it any more. The application checks that no previous instance is running, otherwise exits.
Start and terminate
To change this behaviour and cancel any previously running instance of chmfp and force execution of the new instance:
$ chmfp -a
If you run in a terminal window, application will continue until window is closed. If you disconnect the CH MFP, the application should terminate gracefully. Same if it receives a SIGINT (CTRL-C at terminal), SIGTERM (kill or shutdown) or SIGHUP (terminal shut) signal. Another way to terminate the existing instance of chmfp process is by using, in another terminal :
$ chmfp -t
Messages and help
Default verbose setting is moderate speech, you should get limited output except on errors or if using an interactive command. You can change this, to get more output messages (or twice for even more) :
$ chmfp -v
$ chmfp -vv
or to have silent mode, no output except errors :
$ chmfp -s
Finally, you can get this information by typing :
$ chmfp -h